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DigBoston box among the boxes of defunct newspapers in Union Square, Somerville. Photo by Jason Pramas. Copyright 2022 Jason Pramas.
DigBoston box among the boxes of defunct newspapers in Union Square, Somerville. Photo by Jason Pramas. Copyright 2022 Jason Pramas.

DigBoston goes digital-only, yet another reason to donate to the Somerville Media Fund

(Somerville Wire) – It’s rare that a journalist writes an editorial about an editorial, but careful readers may note that the principals of the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism—Chris Faraone, John Loftus, and me—also run the commercial metro weekly newspaper DigBoston. A publication which has distributed its print edition in Somerville for many years in boxes and stands around the city.

Now, doubling down on my recent editorial in these pages talking about the growing threat of Somerville becoming a news desert due to Gannett merging the Somerville Journal with the Medford Transcript and making the new successor outlet digital-only, my colleagues and I just published a DigBoston editorial announcing that our newspaper, too, is going digital-only. Leaving the Somerville Times as the only newspaper with a print operation left standing for the moment.

So Dig will still be available online at But those Somervillians accustomed to reading the publication on newsprint, are at least temporarily out of luck.

This gives folks who want to support the work of the Somerville Media Center and this publication, yet another reason to make a donation to our new municipal foundation Somerville Media Fund today at Check out our recent article on that new endeavor for full background. And thanks for any support you can give us.

This article is syndicated by the Somerville Wire municipal news service of the Somerville News Garden project of the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism.

All Somerville Wire articles may be republished by community news outlets free of charge with permission and by larger commercial news outlets for a fee. Republication requests and all other inquiries should be directed to Somerville Wire articles are also syndicated by BINJ’s MassWire state news service at


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Jason Pramas is the editor of the Somerville Wire, executive director of the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism, and executive editor and associate publisher of DigBoston. Full disclosure: He is also treasurer of the board of directors of the Somerville Media Center.

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